Monitor and Secure your AI Usage

Eden AI doesn't stop at simplifying access to AI models; it also offers robust monitoring and cost management features.

cost eden ai

AI Costs and Consumption

Ensure that your AI initiatives are aligned with your business objectives, maximizing ROI

  • Check costs associated to Technologies and AI Models
  • API caching (reduce usage and avoid redundant charges)
  • Set up a budget restriction
Learn more about Cost Management

Tracking API Errors

Monitor the performance and behaviour of all AI models through a centralized platform.

  • Save each API request and response
  • Get daily reports
  • Set up multiple optional fallback
Explore Eden AI’s Monitoring Feature

Accurate AI Processing

Identify potential issues early on and maintain the integrity of your AI applications

  • Compare multiple AI Models
  • Switch automatically from one provider to another
  • Connect the observability tool to your workflows
Live Test Multiple AI Models

Try Eden AI for free.

You can directly start building now. If you have any questions, feel free to schedule a call with us!

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