
AI Text Summarization APIs

What is Summarization?

Summarization is the process of condensing a lengthy text into a manageable length while maintaining the essential informative components and the meaning of the material. Summarization can find its uses in offering context for a paper's thesis, backing up an argument, writing literary evaluations and bibliographies, for example.

Many Summarization APIs

There are many Summarization providers on the market and their performance varies and depending on the text you want to summarize. These engines also have different costs and processing times depending on the provider: it is important to be able to test them before choosing the right one for your project.

Let's play?

AI Text Summarization APIs
Desktop and Mobile illustration

One API to rule them all

By aggregating several Summarization engines on a single API, Eden AI allows you to use a number of these engines at the same time depending on the document you wish to summarize.

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